
Philippe Cases

I am the CEO of Topio Networks, an industry catalyst accelerating markets by creating communities. Dedicated to making the business of edge computing and IOT  a reality, Topio Networks has built a community of 1.2 million professionals and organizes events such as Edge Computing World and Intelligent Infrastructure.

I have been involved with responsible tech for the last twenty years with Spoke Software. Spoke Software designed early examples of Privacy Policies authored by Chris Kelly, who later became the first privacy officer for Facebook.

Before Topio, I was a General Partner of venture funds and made investments consistently as a Venture Capitalist in data technology with companies such as RIghtpoint (Acq. by e.piphany), Adknowledge (Acq. by CMGI), Inquira (Acq, by Oracle), Vue Technology (Acq. by Sensormatic), Jaspersoft (Acq. by Tibco), Silk Technology (Acq. By Palantir), and Akili Interactive.
